Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Day 4 - Pubil to Rannoch Forest Campground

We awoke this morning to a much warmer tent! We were toasty throughout the night, helping us sleep more soundly. We packed up while the audience of local sheep watched.

Started trekking, along the road at 8:45 am. We were headed for the Tearoom at Bridge of Balgie. The walk was full of sheep and beautiful quintessential Scottish scenery. We spotted a freshly birthed lamb this morning. The sun was blazing and both of our right sides are tanned- agggg. We used zinc oxide for sunscreen but bought some new sunscreen at the Tearoom.

We arrived at the Tearoom (also the Post Office) at 12:15pm. Here we sat in the shade and feasted on their delicious cuisine. Kirsten opted for carrot cake for dessert (in honour of JM and TT) and I had scones with jam and cream- again! We rested our weary feet and bodies for two hours. Scott passed by on his way to Blair Athol.

After our rest we began the ascent to cross to our next stop. A couple from Vancouver Island- Karen and Jamie (mountain bikers we met at the Tea Room) caught up to us and walked along side for about 5km! They are an amazing team travelling the globe. They are in Scotland for two months.

Kirsten and I opted to re-route in order to avoid a portion of tomorrow’s day that is off trail. We are at the campground in Rannoch Forrest. We saw another hiker arrive with TGOC gait. It was William from the Barbados. We met him in Taynuilt, this is his fifth crossing. Carol chatted us up, she has hung up her TGOC boots after eight crossings. We didn’t plan this distance today but we are quickly learning a few important lessons.
  • When you plan to wild camp, a flat spot does not reveal itself until you are a minimum of 5km past the destination.
  • Most planned wild camp spots are beside 200m cliffs.
  • Most planned access drinking water, also 100m below.
  • Hiking in Scotland does in fact require sunscreen.
  • The right Highlander does exist and was spotted earlier at the Tearoom.
  • Mother sheep quickly abandon their lambs when the food quad arrives.
We are tucked into bags with running water and toilets close by. Paradise.

Amanda and Kir

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